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Why now?

GayBC Radio was kind enough to interview me about Sex With God this morning. You can listen to it here:

One of host Brandon Carmody's questions for me was why write Sex With God now, in the midst of pandemic, protests resulting in martial law, economic meltdown, and political upheaval?

Here's my answer.

1) Books take a long time to write. This one has been in the works for over a decade.

2) The world is hungry for good news. Our hearts and minds are full of worry, sorrow, outrage, boredom, and all sorts of other negative emotions.

We feel trapped: in our houses, in our financial situations, in our nation which feels like it's been taken over by fascists. We circle these areas of worry and pain like an animal tending a wound, unable to leave it all alone for more than a few minutes.

Sex With God carries you out of all that for a few moments each day. It reminds you that a God who is love wants to love you, and wants you to love others.

It draws you into the importance of minute things; touch, skin, listening, breath.

It reminds you of the phenomenal reality of matter and spirit, the now and the eternal, and the illusion of separation.

It whispers to you of your holiness, and that of your beloved.

Why did Sex With God come out now?

Because we so desperately need it.


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