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Starting the week with joy

It's been an extremely odd week, peppered with highs and lows from all sorts of aspects of life. We're tired, and I'm glad the weekend is here. Given the stresses, I thought I should turn back to a moment of profound joy experienced last Sunday, when Allendale UMC in St. Petersburg, FL, kicked off a Lenten sermon series focusing on Sleeper, Awake.

Here's a video of the service if you'd like to check it out.

We were deeply moved by the way contemplations from the book were woven into the musical selections and liturgy. Song after song featured the idea of waking. The speakers were thought provoking, insightful, and moving.

What a joy it was to see the fruit of my heart, mind, hands, and spirit, along with the tireless work of my beloved Declan, culminating in something living and breathing through these lovely people.

Our prayer is always that reading our messages helps people encounter the divine as bigger, more mysterious, and more loving than they did before. Allendale UMC lifted that prayer, echoed it, and poured it out tangibly into the world.

Watching the service was something I didn't realize was on my bucket list. We are so honored, and grateful.

You can tune in to Allendale UMC's Facebook each Sunday in Lent to join in with them and with us, as we explore together a God who is more wondrous than our reckoning permits. We'll also share the stream on the Where True Love Is Facebook page.

May your Lent be rich with spiritual food.



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